CSS Length Units

by | Design advice

When designing a website, you have to make a lot of decisions that have to do with size. This could be the width of a row (div), the size of a font, or how much padding to add. And to make things more challenging, you must decide on sizes appropriate for all devices.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) the size of an element is expressed by length units consisting of small letter/symbols that follow a value. For example, 10px, 2em, 100%, etc.)

Here is a quick guide to understanding the following elements that use a length value:

Absolute Length Values

These values are absolute because they are not relative to any other element. They will not scale to the users browser size and will always remain the same size. They include

  • pt (points)
  • px (pixels)
  • in (inches)
  • cm (centimeters)
  • mm (millimeters)
  • pc (picas)

The only one we need to worry about for digital media, is pixels. The rest of them are examples used in print. Each pixel represents one “dot” of your device display. So use pixels when you don’t necessarily need to scale with the viewers browser size.

Relative Length Units

Relative length units are relative because they can change/scale depending on the length of other elements in your website. A very common one is percentage, which is a dependent on the length of the parent element.

  • em (relative to the element’s font-size)
  • rem (relative to the root element’s font-size)
  • vw (relative to 1% of your browser’s viewport width)
  • vh (relative to 1% of your browser’s viewport height)
  • vmin (relative to 1% of the smaller of the two browser viewport dimensions (height or width).)
  • vmax (relative to 1% of the larger of the two browser viewport dimensions (height or width).)
  • % (relative to 1/100 of the parent element’s width.)
Understanding these measurements and how they effect every element on your site design is key in determining layout and size control on all your devices for your website.

Suggested length units for WIDTH

Common Length Units: %, vw and px

Rarely should you ever set an element to a pixel width, unless you are going to adjust those pixels at necessary or common breakpoints for mobile devices. In this world of responsive and fluid digital designs the length units for width should be adjustable based on device, leaving us with vw and % to give us proper visual widths.

Suggested length units for MARGIN

Common Length Units: %, vw and px

The margin property uses length units to add spacing outside the element. Here is an example based on the device screen size and using % unit of measurement.

Suggested length units for PADDING

Common Length Units: %, vw, vh, em and px

Before the need of fluid or responsive design, I often used pixels for padding for everything. Padding should scale to the size of the browser, so using a fixed pixel amount is not going to work out very well. Here is an example of how percentage can work great between desktop and mobile devices.

Suggested length units for BORDERS

Common Length Units: px, em and vw

The most common unit is pixels because it is fixed, rather then having the border scale based on browser window. I also think that most graphic designers who deal with print are going to be more comfortable with a fixed amount. Border do not support the % unit.

Suggested length units for TEXT

Common Length Units: px, em and maybe vw

You can use any of the CSS lengths mentioned in this post, but the most common are going to be px for your fixed amount, never scaling and em and vw for your scaling options. The most common way is to set the value to pixel for every break point (desktop, tablet and mobile). I often use em units for headlines or CTA (call to action) statements. This allows for scaling to take place very easily, based on the viewers browser screen size. 1 em equals the amount of immediate parent. So if you site h1 value is set to 30px then 1rm is 32px and 2em is double that 64px (twice the size).

This applies to line-height and letter-spacing.

Using vw for headlines can be a great tool.

What length unit to use when is going to be one of the most important things to remember for your site building and having your page look awesome on all devices.
